- chattel mortgagee
- держатель заклада на движимое имущество
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
Chattel-Mortgages — (engl., spr. tschättl mórrgedschĭs), Verpfändung beweglicher Habe, in den Vereinigten Staaten das Pfandrecht am beweglichen Eigentum, das im Gegensatze zum deutschen Rechte fast stets in einer wirklichen, wenn auch bedingten Übertragung… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
chattel mortgage — A pre Uniform Commercial Code security device whereby a security interest was taken by the mortgagee in personal property of the mortgagor. A transfer of some legal or equitable right in personal property or creation of a lien thereon as security … Black's law dictionary
chattel mortgage — A pre Uniform Commercial Code security device whereby a security interest was taken by the mortgagee in personal property of the mortgagor. A transfer of some legal or equitable right in personal property or creation of a lien thereon as security … Black's law dictionary
legal possessor — One who, but for the reservation of strict legal title in conditional vendor, or the giving of a strict legal title in a conditional vendor, or the giving of a strict legal title to a chattel mortgagee, would have the status of a full and… … Black's law dictionary
legal possessor — One who, but for the reservation of strict legal title in conditional vendor, or the giving of a strict legal title in a conditional vendor, or the giving of a strict legal title to a chattel mortgagee, would have the status of a full and… … Black's law dictionary
mortgage — /mawr gij/, n., v., mortgaged, mortgaging. n. 1. a conveyance of an interest in property as security for the repayment of money borrowed. 2. the deed by which such a transaction is effected. 3. the rights conferred by it, or the state of the… … Universalium
Foreclosure — For Lacan s psychoanalytic process, see Foreclosure (psychoanalysis). House in Salinas, California under foreclosure, following the popping of the U.S. real estate bubble. Foreclosure is the legal process by which a mortgage lender (mortgagee),… … Wikipedia
property law — Introduction principles, policies, and rules by which disputes over property are to be resolved and by which property transactions may be structured. What distinguishes property law from other kinds of law is that property law deals with… … Universalium
mortgage — mort·gage 1 / mȯr gij/ n [Anglo French, from Old French, from mort dead (from Latin mortuus ) + gage security] 1 a: a conveyance of title to property that is given to secure an obligation (as a debt) and that is defeated upon payment or… … Law dictionary
mortgage — /morgaj/ A mortgage is an interest in land created by a written instrument providing security for the performance of a duty or the payment of a debt. At common law, an estate created by a conveyance absolute in its form, but intended to secure… … Black's law dictionary
mortgage — /morgaj/ A mortgage is an interest in land created by a written instrument providing security for the performance of a duty or the payment of a debt. At common law, an estate created by a conveyance absolute in its form, but intended to secure… … Black's law dictionary